Mohamed Saeed (aka Abd’ ullah) is a graduate from the University of KWAZUL- NATAL (UKZN). He holds a certificate of Merit in Social Equity in Professional Practice, a National Professional Diploma in Education (NPDE) and an Advance Certificate in Education (ACE) specialising in teaching for Social Justice.
Probing the media headlines and creating waves, fighting against oppression and injustices, alleviating poverty and ignorance and promoting fundamental rights and values is his passion and mission in life. He shuns destructive thinking, violence and negative competition. He enjoys reading, re-searching and doing volunteer work for humanitarian NGOs.
Follow him on Twitter: @MSS702
He says: "Did I or any practicing Muslim for that matter carry out the terrorist attacks or violence? The answer is definitely, NO. So why should Muslims be forced to condemn...
I say: Did I or any practicing Libertarian/White/Afrikaner for that matter carry out the Aparheid attacks or violence? The answer is definitely, NO. So why should I be be forced to condemn what the Nationalists did in SA?
Thank you for absolving me - If you don't - change you argument and condemn that small fringe of believers in such an unfortunate faith. For a free directory entry go to:For your free directory entry.Do you know this person? Add to this page. Do you know anything more? Add to the page.
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