Thursday, 18 February 2016

Wim de Villiers

On Friday, SU student representative council vice chairperson, James de Villiers, said any “insensitive act of painting oneself should not be acceptable in 2016”. “This ignorant act goes against our values as it further perpetuates the exclusionary institutional culture within this university,” he said. He said “blackfacing” dated back to the days of slavery, where black people were fetishised and treated as animals on stage.

Known examples were Jim Crow, and Zip Coon performed by George Dixon. “These shows were characterisations done by white people, where the expectation was created that if you have a darker skin, no matter what your background, you would conform to various undermining stereotypes.”

De Villiers called for harsh measures against the two students. - See more at:

Prof. Wim de Villiers is rektor en visekanselier van die Universiteit Stellenbosch.

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