Saturday, 27 February 2016

Julius "Snake Doctor" Mdluli

It has angered me to see this white afrikaner racist kids feasting on a nlack child for demanding that let us all be on the fair ground by withdrawing Afrikaans as medium of instruction and as the tool used to exclude blacks academically I will take from Frants Fanon in the more series I will type for white man to be thought a lesson "To shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, to destroy an oppressor and the man he oppresses at the same time.''

We are a different kind of black generation we will not sit back and watch you white people bashing our kids and doing what your grand parents did to our own grand parents, we won't use prayers and bible to defend ourselves, we will come to your drive ways, we will jump your high walls, we will go to your exclusive white kids creche, we will come to your loved breakfast areas in Melrose ark, we will ask our parents the ones you call them makes the ones you trust them to walk your kids and dogs and cook for you, we will ask our brother's in your boom gate whom are securities guarding your properties on the stolen land.

Look we are in charge of your safety do not try us, maybe the problem is that you have never barried your loved ones in mass funeral, maybe it's time that you warn your kids, they are making a black man very angry,

Do not make us angry as we are since we want our stolen property from you guys.

Remember that little stunt you pulled by driving black people violently from their land and took them to black consitration camps which you call townships, that you live alone in surbubs, please we know where you are do not start what might see you been endangered species in Africa.

From me a very angry parent........
Julius "Snake Doctor" Mdluli

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